Osteopath D.O.
dott. Marco Mazzanti

Last updated: August 4, 2020
We thank you for your interest in the “INFIT”, “OUT-FIT” and “www.marcomazzanti.com” programs!
Before releasing your personal data, we invite you to read the following information regarding the processing to which your data will be subjected, in full compliance with the European Regulation for the protection of personal data n. 679/2016 and Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data, as updated by Legislative Decree no. 101/2018.
In fact, Marco Mazzanti has at heart the protection and protection of the personal data of all those who interact with it.
The information we are providing you is valid for the website www.marcomazzanti.com and its subdomains, but not for the sites of third parties that may be consulted through the links on the site.
Due to the regulatory updates that will be adopted, we invite you to periodically read and consult the "privacy policy" section.
In relation to the terms used in this privacy policy, the following must be understood:
Platform: the web platform managed by Marco Mazzanti, with registered office in Bologna, Via Giuseppe Ruggi n. 14, P.I.01781320385, email info@marcomazzanti.com, PEC marco_mazzanti@pec.it
Data controller: Marco Mazzanti, with registered office in Bologna, Via Giuseppe Ruggi n. 14, P.I.01781320385, email info@marcomazzanti.com, PEC marco_mazzanti@pec.it
Service(s): the programme, video consultancy, studio consultancy, video courses and any other activity advertised on the Platform;
Product(s): the tangible goods sold through the Site;
Contract or Sales Contract: the distance contract concerning the sale of the Service(s) between the interested party and Marco Mazzanti, as part of an organized electronic commerce service that uses the distance communication technology called Internet.
Site: the website identified by the domain www.marcomazzanti.com and all related subdomains;
User: the user of the Site and the Services provided through it; the interested party in the processing of personal data;
Profile: the reserved area uniquely attributable in general to a Registered User; the digital environment with customizable content and functionality, isolated from other users, licensed together with a unique password and username chosen by the Registered User and assigned to him.
The data controller is Marco Mazzanti, with registered office in Bologna, Via Giuseppe Ruggi n. 14, P.I.01781320385, email info@marcomazzanti.com, PEC marco_mazzanti@pec.it
You can contact us at any time to find out everything regarding your personal data. We will be happy to give you the information you are entitled to receive.
To process your data we must be authorized to do so. This legitimation can originate from:
your consent;
the purchase contract;
the law;
our legitimate interest.
During navigation, technical data will be collected automatically, such as: IP (internet protocol) address, date and time of visit, browser used, number and position of clicks made, the physical address of the device from which the connection is made (so-called MAC Address), the addresses in notation of the requested resources, cookies. The collection of technical data is implicit in the functioning of the website itself and never involves identification of the interested party.
Among the technical data there are also "Cookies", small files that the site, or a third party site, sends to the interested party's terminal where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites when necessary. The site uses the following types of cookies:
Technical cookies: these are anonymous cookies whose acquisition is necessary to allow the interested party to navigate the site and use all its features. Their presence also allows navigation and use of the web to be made quicker and quicker, because for example they intervene to facilitate certain procedures when making online purchases, when authenticating in areas with restricted access or when a website automatically recognizes the favourite language.
Specifically, the technical cookies used are:
Functionality or preference cookies (they are those that allow memorizing the functionality choices pre-selected by the interested party, for example those of language or geographical area)
Navigation cookies (they are those that guarantee normal navigation and use of the website)
Technical cookies will be available for automatic deletion by the browser according to the methods established by the same.
Profiling cookies: these are non-anonymous cookies whose acquisition is necessary for registration