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Marco Mazzanti osteopata curriculum Osteopata Bologna

Osteopathy is a healthcare profession.

The osteopath carries out prevention and health maintenance interventions through the osteopathic treatment of somatic dysfunctions.


Kinesiology is the science that studies active rational human movement in all its forms. Active movement is studied in its different areas: intellectual-cognitive, affective-emotional, physical-motor, social-relational.


Our body is not just a business card, but it is the communication tool that connects us with other people, with the world.


Modern society provides us with every type of comfort, which is why we no longer need to fully understand our potential, so we limit our motor patterns to a few standardized movements to the detriment of our posture.


Your posture tells who you are, always.

In addition to getting into shape, you will learn to master your body for effective communication in every area of your life. At work, with your family, with your partner or with friends you will be able to grasp and transmit important signals to support what you want to communicate.


You will also learn to train independently, acquiring information on the correct diet and understanding how to enhance your physical-motor peculiarities.

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Curriculum Vitae
  • Osteopath D.O. achieved at the OSCE (Osteopathic Spine Center Education) school in Bologna.​

  • Degree in MOTOR SCIENCE at the University of Medicine and Surgery of Ferrara, curriculum "Adapted and preventive motor activity for children, the elderly and the disabled."​

  • Degree in Dramatic Art at the “Silvio D'amico” National Academy of Dramatic Arts in Rome.​​

  • POSTURAL EDUCATOR (Italian Fitness Federation)​

  • Technical RAGGI® METHOD - "POSTURAL REBALANCE WITH A GLOBAL APPROACH" for preventive, re-educational and performance purposes in the fields of fitness, sport and well-being.​

  • He studied “Biomechanics of stage movement” with Nikolai Karpov and Maria Shmaevich (GITIS Moscow)​

  • He studied with maestro Roberto Romei (Barcelona theatre),​

  • He studied with voice trainer Jeffrey Crocket (American Conservatory Theater).​

  • He studied "Acting on stage" with Michael E. Rodgers in Milan​

  • He studied with the greatest European masters of movement such as Monica Vannucchi (dance), Michele Monetta (mime and mask), Marc Proulx (contact, Theater National de Strasbourg), Francesco Manetti (physical theatre).​

  • In 2014 he created the Teatrofitness® training system​

  • Creator of the IN-FIT® distance training mode Application available for iOS or Android

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Via Dei Mille 12, 

Bologna - Italia.

Tel: 333.9457304

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